Monday, August 13, 2007

Need help for bank loan application

One cannot but deny that the cost of education at FLAME is not something that is can be easily be managed by most of the people. The ground reality is that education loans from the bank are a must for almost all the students. And so is the reality that one has to go through a harrowing process of meeting all kinds of government ‘babus’ to get something which is well deserved.

I would request those who have either already secured a loan or have gone through this process to kindly help us with it. Throwing light on the names of the banks where getting a loan for studying with FLAME has already worked out with a rate of interest which is competitive will really help. Also, if there are students who have not provided any form of collateral or minimum collateral and funded the remaining amount on their own, please share the information and the experience with us.

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