Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The first blog for FLAME

What started as a web log around ten years back as a list of websites that a person had visited in a particular day has seen a complete revolution and become a part of everyday life of millions of people across the world. TOI reported on the 12th of August, 2007, that according to Blog-tracker Technorati, there are presently 93.8 millions blogs on the internet and still counting. Wikipedia calls blogs as either a commentary or news on a particular subject and at times it also functions like a personal diary.

This particular website which you are currently viewing, viz: flamepune.blogspot.com is also one such blog in case you were not sure about it. The motive behind creating a blog of such kind when there is already a website in place for the college is simple:

1) What was lacking in the professional and the good looking webpage of the college is a vent out for the feelings of all those related directly or indirectly with FLAME. This blog will make an effort to show the good, the bad and also the ugly face of the college. The concept is similar to the working of the democracy where the opposition keeps a regular check on the working of the ruling majority.

2) On a lighter perspective, this space will offer a platform to all the budding people who form a part of the FLAME family. It includes mainly the present students. However, contributions from the management, administration, faculty as well as outsiders, is welcome at all points in time. This place is open for all those who want to showcase any shade of this institution as long as it is not derogatory or defamatory. A debate is welcome, however, it needs to be within the realms of decency.

3) Any one can contribute to this blog unlike other blogs where it is only the moderator who has the right to post. The ‘Ed’ in this case will only ensure that there is a basic standard of language as well as logic which is maintained in all the postings. “Need Help” is a section to which people can suggest subjects where they require any form of assistance. “Whats Buzzing” will report all the recent happenings in and about the institution from the contributions which it receives. It will also display pictures of the events if they are so submitted to the Ed. “Opinions” will carry debates on burning issues from time to time. Comments on either side of the fence are welcome. If there is any material, article or a subject of discussion which could be useful to the present members or prospective ones in any manner, it needs to be reported under the section called, “Assist Your Friends”. In case there is a great idea, which breaks your slumber at night, to improve the working of the institution or any part of it, then just send it across for reporting under the section called, “Burning Ideas”. If there is something which does not fall in any of these categories and you feel that it is in no context with this institution, yet you cannot wait to get it published, “Just About Anything” is the just the place for you. For contributions to each of these sections, just mention the name of the section in the subject line and send it across to flamepune@gmail.com along with your name and batch details. You can even keep your personal details anonymous if you so desire. The publishing of the same will remain the discretion of the Ed. However, this Ed sitting here is for the purpose of selection and not rejection. So feel free to submit.

4) This blog also aims to be a student platform, which runs parallel to the management of the institution. Its strength will depend on the acceptance which it receives from the students and all others who are related to FLAME directly or indirectly. It is not going to be a rebellion or a union, but it would definitely open the eyes to those things which would otherwise have gone under the wraps.

So, with the spirit of true liberal education and a liberal mind, not the mention the joy of blogging completing ten years, I hereby welcome you all to this small community.

They say that to err is human and I a one of the lesser mortals. So please bear with me if I do err. You can check me and challenge me at any point in time to show me the right direction in which I need to take this journey. I would appreciate a direct challenge on the face rather than a dagger on the back.
Cheers to FLAME and let it shine.


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