Monday, September 3, 2007

Student Clubs

Editor's Note: I got this thing about ten minutes ago. From what I understand, they're looking for people ready to jump into these things from the beginning. Now, I've been talking to a lot of you over the past month or so, and these fit a bunch of people to the dot. So if you think you've got enough stones to establish a reputation of excellence for these clubs, don't hesitate to volunteer. Rahul and I are definitely joining in on two, and helping out with publicity and such. The names of these things are perhaps a bit odd, yes. However, they aren't permanent. Just like the houses, they're subject to evolution. So once a club gets into motion, it's name is decided upon then. These are just generic titles, for the sake of having one. Rahul is helping out with the Social Entrepreneurs, and I'm doing Critical Thinking Circle. This has to be done a tad bit quickly, so read up on it and post in the comment what you think you'd like to do. Everyone can join in on any other club, for the record.

EDIT 1: Alright guys, here's the skinny. Anyone taking a club HAS to be ready with information about the club by the 16th. There'll be a formal presentation, and then sign-ups for members. So if you can't talk in front of people, or you cannot lead, DO NOT APPLY. Fixing your mess is more of an issue for the co-coordinators than creating a new club. Not as members, but as the co-ordinating people. I'll put up a list of everyone who's taking a club up until now. One to two people, perhaps three for the ones that they anticipate will be larger.

If you do not have the time or dedication for this, PLEASE don't do it. I cannot stress this enough.

As for joining the clubs, even though it isn't relavent, I'm still going to put that up here. Anyone interested in learning/joining/competing, whatever. If you have ANY interest at all in the field of the club, you can join as a member later on.

Remember that I'm just a student too, so I'm giving you guys whatever I find out, as I do.

Here's the list so far of people who've accepted, or who have been nominated for a certain club:

1. Photography club
-Deepti Jhangiani

2. Movie Appreciators Club
Sai Kiran

3. Critical Thinking Community


4. Social Entrepreneurs Circle / Forum
Neha kedia

5. Nature Lovers Club
-Arati Krishna

6. Rock Band

7. Music & Theater Freaks


8. Adventurers
Aditya Nahar

"1. Photography club:

It is a group of people drawn together by photography. The members can be beginners who have just gotten started with a camera and want to learn more or those who have some amount of professional expertise. The members will have talks among themselves on photography, have guest speakers, slide shows, lighting/model demonstrations, swap meets, trade shows, contests, competitions, field trips, studio tours, and much more. Monthly meetings, use of club darkroom, photo field shoots, monthly programs and demos, model shoots, participation in the community wide events and annual show and competitions will be features of this club. Over a period of time, the photography club will have its own newsletter, web site and cameras. The members of the photography club can have cameras on hire and will training program for the beginners.

The members of the photography club will coordinate the shooting of the all the events conducted in FLAME campus. This will facilitate involvement of students in the institutional development and activities and helps us to have the spirit of empowerment.

The members of the photograph club will be participating in national and international photography competitions of repute.

This club helps us to integrate the learning of the students in various courses, especially those who are doing PGDM – Mass Media and also undergraduate students who are specializing in mass media.

2. Movie Appreciators Club

It is a group of people who enjoy sharing their views on films in all languages. The discussions and debates can be on various issues concerning films, be the story line, the presentation, technology, social relevance and impact, cultural issues, and many more. This group involves in organizing talks on films, presentations, reviews, publications, wall magazines, news letters, and web blogs. It also organizes annual student film festivals, competitions, and work shops.

The members of the film appreciation club involve in publication of articles, reviews in newspapers and magazines. They also will participate as representatives of flame in national and international film festivals.

The club can have collaboration with similar clubs in best of the world universities and also various reputed film bodies associations at international level.

3. Critical Thinking Community

This is one of the most important club activities, though comparatively of a serious nature. Critical thinking is essential if we are to get to the root of our problems and develop reasonable solutions. After all, the quality of everything we do is determined by the quality of our thinking. Critical thinking requires the cultivation of core intellectual virtues such as intellectual humility, perseverance, integrity, and responsibility. Nothing of real value comes easily. A rich intellectual environment — alive with curious and determined students — is possible only with critical thinking at the foundation of the educational process. Thus, the critical thinking community facilitates continuous quest among the members through debates, discourses and team sessions. The mandate of CTC would be to articulate, preserve, and foster intellectual standards in critical thinking research, scholarship, and instruction. It seeks partnerships with scholars and thinkers interested not only in the inherent relationships between critical thinking and their disciplines or areas of specialty, but also in the affective dimensions of critical thought.

Debate competitions of high order, carrying out research works, publications, writing articles in magazines and newspapers are part of the activities of the critical thinking community. It maintains its own web site and newsletter. The members of this group participate in international seminars, workshops and lectures pertaining to human endeavor. Conducting a annual lecture series by highly respected scientists, intellectuals and philosophers would be one of the main activities of this community.

4. Social Entrepreneurs Circle / Forum

Members of this forum are highly sensitized individuals having passion for thinking, feeling and acting upon various issues of the community, society. They would like to solve problems faced by them. Social entrepreneurs Circle is forum where the members would identify the issues concerning society in various sectors involve themselves in understanding depth, criticality of the problems and come out with innovative solutions to solve those problems and integrate the solutions with various individuals and institutions in the society and enable them to participate in the process of social reconstruction. This club would organize seminars, workshops, round tables. This would network with various NGO’s, funding agencies, governmental organizations, politicians, bureaucrats, corporate funding agencies and many others who are concerned of social issues. It will have its own web site, new letter. It would take-up specific focus areas of social concern and work in partnership with other organizations involved in these activities. The group will work on developing innovative technologies and solutions for specific social concerns it has taken-up.

This group leverages maximum benefit out of the masters in residence program. This group can be called the crown of flame.

5. Nature Lovers Club

A nature club is a group of young people, generating effective awareness through a collective effort of the members. Nature Club is an initiative towards pitching conservation efforts at societal level, which would have direct bearings upon decisions that we make as individuals and members of the society, in the interest of an environment of which we all form different parts. It reaches out to the nature lovers and conservation enthusiasts all over the country, in all the bio-geographic zones of India. Some of these regions fall under priority landscapes, biodiversity hot spots and fragile ecosystem categories.

The club constantly transcends formal and non-formal education sectors, capacity-building, awareness generation through community action work, with the inclusion of public and private-sector organizations, encompassing a cross section of interests, stakeholders and vantage points for directing conservation action.

While courses that highlight environmental issues exist, not all courses are as rigorous in terms of interdisciplinary environmental action research. Many also could do well with fieldwork education woven into them. Members of Nature Clubs can benefit largely from involving themselves in initiatives with organizations like WWF-India and other Environmental NGOs, by volunteering their time.

The members of the club are encouraged to take up environmental action in communities, assist in biodiversity mapping, wildlife censuses, etc. It conducts inter-college workshops for the youth on generic development concerns and specific themes on conservation biology and environmental sciences.

The nature lovers club will involve in protecting the natural surroundings flame campus and also involves in large scale plantations and making the area as the best green region of India. The club maintains its own web site and new letter. It networks with other clubs such as photography club, adventurers and the social entrepreneurs and bring synergy in their activities.

6. Rock Band

This group develops its own rock band and works in developing unique tunes and programs with values of flame in the background. It gives concerts all round the globe giving message of the five values flame. It organizes festivals, weekly programs, and other cultural retreats within the campus of flame. The group participates in national and international competitions. It will have its own web site and newsletter. The masters in residence program can be connected with this with the best rock stars being on the campus and helps adventure and nature tourism activities of flame.

7. Music & Theater Freaks

The members of this group are passionate lovers of music and theatre. There are the ones who may be the appreciators of music and theatre or even the practitioners involved in various forms of music and theatre. The music could be vocal, instrumental; percussion or non-percussion; classical or popular; Indian or Western; Hindustani or karnatic. In theatre it could be of any form, Indian or western, street play or any thing. The music and theatre freaks would be conducting various activities including theatre weeks, music festivals, workshops, seminars, lectures and presentations. They would conduct musical recitals by eminent musicians from the world which is connected to the masters in residence concept.

The freaks would compete at national and international forums. They would be working on designing innovative mechanisms of theatre types and musical forms. Members will publish articles and papers. They would work in reviving the theatre and music cultures and traditions among youth across the world. They would focus on reviving some of the most traditional and classical dance and musical forms. They would network with various associations, groups across the world. The most important partner in this journey would be SPICMACAY. The freaks would have their website and will have a newsletter.

8. Adventurers

This is a group of people who enjoy adventure in what ever form it is, be it sports, games, and other activities such as trekking, mountaineering, cycle race. They promote, participate, train and challenge people in adventure activities. The atmosphere and facilitates at flame would promote adventure activities. The members would promote adventure activities to work out themselves and also help others to build, mould and restructure their personalities. The adventurers would facilitate several outbound learning tools which eventually facilitate the concept of liberal education. The group would network with organizations and individual loving adventure activities across the globe. They would have their own newsletter and web site. They would conduct various events including an annual event which should attract young people from all around the globe."

Dr. Ravi Paturi
Dean of Research and Publications
Foundation for Liberal and Management Education, Pune


Kritika said...

hey, this is kritika kapadia, coming to flame for the liberal arts course. all these clubs sound very interesting and i would love to be a member of most of them.,but i would definately like to be a volenteer and help out with the 'movie appritiaion', or the 'nature club'!!

Shruti said...

Hey shruti here.I am joining the flame school of communication. I would love to help out with the Critical Thinking, Social Entrepreneurs and Music and Theatre freaks club..I am a web site designer so would love to help in the designing of web sites of any of these clubs.

P.S. one query. Is the photographer's club restricted to ppl already knowing photography or evn ppl like me, wanting to learn, can join in..?

Neha said...

Hey, I am Neha kedia, placed in Mumbai. I am from FLAME school of business. All this communities seems to be pretty exciting and something novel. I would want to Volunteer for "Social Entrepreneurs Circle" as this community is best suitable for me and the one where in i can give maximum contribution. Secondly, i would also Volunteer for "Nature Lovers Club" and "critical thinking" Community.

iyershanx said...

hey guys... do we have to give our names for volunteering now itself???? or after registration????

Pranav said...

Alright guys, here's the skinny. Anyone taking a club HAS to be ready with information about the club by the 16th.

Not as members, but as the co-ordinating people. I'll put up a list of everyone who's taking a club up until now. One to two people, perhaps three for the ones that they anticipate will be larger.

Pranav said...

Shruti, could you pick one out of the three?

Shruti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey put me down for critical thinking..

Pranav said...

This is generally where I say "crap".

Alright, Sia, full name and class?

Pranav said...

Oh, and everyone here knows what they're getting into, right?

This doesn't start on the 16th when we all get to the campus and the prep program is over. This ends on the 16th.

Whatever you volunteer for, you begin today.

Shims said...

well do the ppl interested in being members to any of these clubs give thier names out here too??

Shruti said...

Hey sorry pranav.. Tat Sia was me only.. Dnt knw how the name got changed to that!!!!

Pranav said...

Shimoli, that's a no. If you just want to be a member, then you'll have to wait until whenever the clubs go public.

Shruti, I'm putting your name down, okay?

(Add me on MSN or Yahoo or whatever.)

Shruti said...

Gr8.. Put up ur msn id pls coz I dnt hv it..

Pranav said...

For everyone who cares: - msn - yahoo

09346995782 - cell

Shims said...

okays.. thnx for the info..

Thespian said...

This is fantastic!!

I wanna be a member of almost all of them!!
I can contribute to one or two clubs and in the rest i want to learn!
And I think I'll be able to contribute the most in Social Entrepreneurs Circle , as I hav worked and organised something like that before..
So Pranav kindly put me down in that if possible...

Looking forward to be a memeber of many and contribute as much as I can!.

Nipa Shah said...

hey i hv a que? who hv nominated ppl?well whoever has done has nominated me for d right club.. but more importantly wat info do we need to hv by 16th? i didn get it..also for becomin a member of d club do we hv to post a comment here? or wat? i m confused..

ketul mehta said...

Hi ppl, Ketul Mehta from FLAME SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, i would be joining the following for

1) Photography Club
2) Movie Appreciators Club
3)Social Entrepreneurs Circle / Forum

i will want to be a part of all 3 and really excited to meet all u guys...

Pranav said...

Well, I pretty much nominated everyone on the nominated list. No one else deigned to add in more.

Glad to see you accept though Nipa.

Anyways, as to what you guys have to do, I'll let you know tomorrow. There's a bunch of things that'll change by tomorrow.


Nipa Shah said...

all right. thanks pranav

ketul mehta said...

why cant 1 be in more than 1 club,why is it restricted to only 1....

Unknown said...

heyy...thanks pranav for the nomination...its rite up my ally... well i already have a couple of ideas in mind for the music n theatre club. Firstly i would be lookinf forward to meet ppl interested in these fields. second, i want to start of with the production of a play and everyone is welcome to learn and join in. Third as pranav said its also about appreaciatong these fields so you will get to know about different theatre traditions and music forms from kabuki(japanese theatre tradition) to the jacobean theatre(shakespeare's time) to enjoyin music like pink floyd to linkin park to g-unit to even beethoven and bhangra...
well i will give more details on this once i get to know more about the structuriZation of the clubs myself...until then keep in touch ppl and if ur interested email me at
tc bye guys.

Kaustubh said...

Dear all,

let me clarify you that one person can be a part of more than one community without any problem. There is no eligibility criteria to join any of these group. Also some of you asked me about 'dance club'. It will be a part of "Music and Theatre Freaks". Dance can be also incorporated by Rock Band...



Ray Morningtown said...

Dance and a rock band together is a funny idea, I'd like to see that happen.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Photography is my poision, passion - whatever you wanna call it, so am in for that. Yup, crazy about adventure too, love to help out with that as well. You can check out my blog: for the same.
For the record, its Deepti Jhangiani, Flame School of Communication.

Pranav said...

Thank God Deepti. I thought you disappeared, and I couldn't nominate you because I had no way of contacting you.

Richa Sheth said...

This is really interesting..
i am already thinking of becoming a member in like so many of them!
i am not an adventure person although i have done a 2 year course in envrionmental studies so i guess i would love to help with the nature club!
-- richa.

nirmit said...

hey this is nirmit and me comin in for ug.i would like to take up for adventure and have got amazin ideas for it.this will surely promote lookin forward to it...

Anonymous said...

hey, noproblemo Pranav, nothing's finalised yet, right? Got loads of contacts n info for the adventure club too, where we can go, etc. So count me in on that. How about a change in name for the Social Enterpreneurs Forum, something on the lines of the Lead India campaign..just thinking out loud..great going with the planning though, Cheers!

vicodin12 said...

I would love to help co-ordinate the Movie Appreciator's Club or the Adventurer's Club. I noticed that there haven't been as many volunteers for these two as there have been for some of the others. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Flame School of Communication

Unknown said...

I'm joinin the flame school of business.. Delay in the admission procedure and hence the delay here too :)
I'm interested in volunteering for the Critical Thinking Club-if that is still a possibility.
Also, what about a literary club - that has book apreciation,newsletters,Acts etc..

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