Thursday, September 6, 2007

A poem for Opening Day

Editor's Note: We got this poem several days ago, and we sat on it for a while because of the updates coming in from the Institute. This one comes to us from Shimoli Shah, and we thought it would be a welcome break from the constant flow of info.

The Awaited Uncertainties

"As the days seem to come closer
What lies ahead? I can only wonder
Perhaps crashing waves that will take me under
A violent thunderstorm that will knock me off track
And I may not be able to get back
Or perhaps the path ahead won't be so crazy
Perhaps I'll have time to breathe, room to be lazy
Maybe I'll learn and grow as a person
Or maybe the shyness inside me will worsen
But I mustn't just give up, I might as well give it a go
Because you never know
Maybe I'll do great, maybe I'll do fine
Maybe I'll create a life I can call mine
Make new friends; learn new things
Move forward in life and spread my wings
Sure there'll be strife and there'll be strain
Sure I'll mess up, get tired and complain
But the thought of moving to that place gives me high
As the FLAME thats ignited is never going to die..!!"

Shimoli Shah
FLAME School of Business
Foundation for Liberal and Management Education, Pune


Thespian said...

Its such a beautifully wriiten poem, that i couldn't refrain myself from commenting. It's such an honest one, and depicts EXACTLY all the fears and excitement, hope and expectations.....
I guess, each one of us, about to begin this new journey, can connect to the words....

Its just awesome!

Nipa Shah said...

yupp.. trully amazin

Shims said...

thnks guys.. :)

Unknown said...

nice one shimi........

Pankti said...

that was lovelyyy:)))

Anonymous said...

really touching Shimoli, we're all the the same boat right now, all encompassed with the aprehension of the unknown..butterflies in the tummy, etc. Really touching, Cheers