Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ask no questions, hear no lies.

It is said that there is no avoiding war. It can only be postponed to the benefit of our opponent. The question is; have we been able to identify our opponent? Or are we fighting a battle which our opponents are making us fight against our perceived opponents? The confusion and unrest is certainly going on within every mind but very few of us are actually battling out with our real enemies. We are running towards a goal which when we finally achieve might not be victory at all.

It is also said that our greatest opponent will hide in the very last place that we can ever imagine. More often than not, it lies within ourselves. Have we meditated enough to search for it before we began our battles?

The internship period for most of the post-graduates is nearing its end. For some it is already over. It is time now to once again ponder over it, if we have not done it as yet. There are two things that we need understand. One: being aware of what is happening around us. Two: Accepting what is happening in our environment and how it is impacting us.

Most of us have failed in the doing the first and not understood the meaning of the second. We had closed our eyes to the external world or the ‘game’ that was going around us. We became the pawns of the game and let the players decide the moves. We did not realize it then, we probably haven’t realized it yet. This game did not begin when we joined college. It started the day we were born. It is being played since the time man gained controlled over his mind. What is the quality of your game and what is the nature of the game in which you are playing, are questions that should be worrying us now.

There is not much of a change that you can bring into the environment all the time. However, if you accept to be a part of it, you need to be aware of it. You need to be able to see the games that are going all around you and be aware of it as an external agent and not as a participant. A bird’s eye view of the board is what is required rather than watching close-ups of others from within the board on which the game is being played. Have you accepted to be a part of the environment being aware of what is going on around you; is what we need to ask ourselves today?

The second year at college would begin and get over. Another game would be over and a new one would begin from there on. We need to get to a position from where we know if we want to play a game or just be in a game. If we want to make our moves in the game when others attack or if we want to be able to predict the moves of others? Even if we get hurt in the game, we might not get hurt within if we are aware of the game. That is a position where we need to strive and get.

What is disturbing and inspiring is that people do not question. We rarely question rationality and logic. We do not always look beyond what is obvious to explore what lies beneath. We just talk and when we talk in a grammatically correct manner, we start thinking that we are making sense. We start thinking that we are heading somewhere in the war.

Paraphrasing the obvious, should not be considered as deriving logic. Most of us have entered into a war-zone without questioning the reason for our presence there. Our leaders might be chasing a dream which when achieved will not get us anywhere. Then why are we just following instructions without questioning the reason for our presence in any particular game. We are usually fighting a useless war just because we need to keep on doing something as a part of living. Our actual war might have been lost somewhere else. It is extremely disturbing for a race and very promising for a sharp mind. Where do you see yourself amongst the two?

I feel disturbed when people live without thinking enough. We are a waste if we do not utilize our intellect to fight the real battle. A battle which goes beyond running for a degree, beyond looking for a placement, beyond waiting for an increment, beyond taking coaching classes, beyond getting married, beyond partying out, beyond white collar jobs, beyond scenic locations, beyond two square meals and beyond glamour.

The real battle is to be able to exit the game, to be able to watch it if we have to be a part of it.

Let us understand that. Let us understand that getting a job offer is not enough. Let us understand that getting a high score is not everything. Let us understand that getting a good package is not enough. Let us understand that studying what is being taught is not enough. Let us understand that doing what is being asked is not enough. Let us understand what it is to understand and then understand it.

There is infinite scope for a mind that is able to look within itself and then look at the world from outside while being a part of it. The mediocre is waiting to get fashioned into games when you know how to begin one. The mediocre just wants to experience the journey thinking that they are heading towards a victory. We just need to make them fight themselves. Most of them would not believe you even if you told them who their real opponents are. Most of them would not even believe you if you told them that they are fighting themselves.

Most of them would ask you questions and humbly accept all lies. I don’t want anyone to ask me anything. I do not like to lie.


Ray Morningtown said...

Good pay packet not enough? Want more spectral content in your life? Do you despise these material desires?

What after you overcome your opponent?
What happens when you fulfill your purpose of defeating the enemy? What will you hang on to for the rest of your existence? What purpose will keep you breathing? Is it an abrupt end?

Anonymous said...

Hi Deepti,

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Blog Editor – SiliconIndia

Anonymous said...

It's never an abrupt ending, Mr. Morningtown. There's never an ending. That's what makes us human.

Overcome one enemy, one challenge, and there's infinitely more raring to go.

Our lives are a constant struggle. No human besides the Buddha ever attained peace, and we're not too sure if even he got it.

Anonymous said...

Peace is all around you Vibe, it's just that we don't want to attain it.

You play it to prove your existence. If I choose to watch a game and not play it ever, that is peace.

Junius said...

err...ummm....didnt understand much ;)
interestingly...didnt get the comments too!